Posts by Colleen:
Tough work, this indexing
But somebody’s gotta do it.
Official New Mexico Statutes and Rules
“We really value your services and I know you meet every deadline.” Eve Greene, publisher
Books will endure
Readers have proven their devotion to the written word for centuries. How they will do so in the years ahead remains uncertain in a variety of ways. But books are here to stay. Read more in The Atlantic ________________________________________
Index noir
find´a`ble ADJECTIVE: Capable of being found; discoverable. Luke, my 7-year-old grandson, has reorganized his books so he can find things.
Indexing – only amateurs do it for their own books
She said that indexing was a thing that only the most amateurish author undertook to do for his own book. … “It’s a revealing thing, an author’s index of his own work,” she informed me. “It’s a shameless exhibition—to the trained eye.” “She can read character from an index,” said her husband.” ____________________________________________________________
Acousmatic: a rare word
Derived from the Greek: adjective, indicating a sound that one hears without seeing what causes it. It describes an experience which is very common today but whose consequences are more or less unrecognized, consisting of hearing sounds with no visible cause on the radio, records, telephone, tape recorder, etc. Acousmatic listening is the opposite of […]